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Ruined orgasms are fun any time of the year, but I feel like now is the perfect time to really indulge in them. I mean, think about it. Do you not sometimes feel the urge to ruin something around this time of year? The winter funk starts to set in, and everyone around you seems to be in a great mood. So you just want to go berserk on something, right?

Don’t be a scrooge and ruin the holidays. Don’t be a glutton and ruin your diet. Ruin your orgasm instead!

My Favorite Method For Ruining Orgasms

You guys may be familiar with “What Counts As A Ruined Orgasm?,” my most controversial blog post of the year on my other blog site. (If not, please feel free to read it and weigh in with your opinion on the controversy! It’s definitely the hot debate of the year, but I still stand by my original opinion in the post itself.) Ruined orgasms are a favorite of mine, and I love discussing them almost as much as I love causing them. (Almost.)

If you’ve never ruined your orgasm before, boy, are you in for a treat when you finally try it for the first time. There are lots of ways to do it. You can take your thumb and hold it over the opening in your cock to prevent the cum from coming out altogether. You can make an “O” with your fingers and squeeze off tightly beneath the head to keep the cum from escaping. (This also works if you do it at the base of your cock.)

But my personal favorite method for ruined orgasms is a good whack to the cock right at the moment of orgasm. Most of the time, the pain is enough to completely ruin it and stop the cum from coming out. But there are a few dudes out there who are able to cum through the pain! (I had to learn that the hard way!) Maybe you’ll be lucky enough to be one of them. It’s quite impressive, if you are.

Ruined Orgasms For The Holidays

Ruined orgasms are the perfect thing if you’re feeling a little Grinchy, a little Scroogey. If you want to ruin something around the holidays, there’s no sense in ruining other people’s good times. Nor is there any point in sabotaging yourself by doing something like ruining your diet. No, it’s much better to ruin your own orgasm if you’re in the mood to rain on someone’s parade.

You might discover a whole new fetish that you can incorporate into your fantasies. Ruined orgasms go great with other forms of cock control and guided masturbation and teasing, for instance.

And even if you don’t come to enjoy having your own orgasm ruined, you’ll get to experience something new. And it’ll keep you from making a mess in other ways in your life, too. So that’s definitely a good thing!

What do you guys think about ruined orgasms? Would you like to try it? Are you curious about what it might feel like? Or have you already done it before and are itching to do it yet again?

Well, the good news is, I’m here to help, all through the rest of the holiday season. You can always ruin your own orgasm by yourself, but like most things, it’s more fun with a friend. So give me a ring, and I’ll be happy to guide you through orgasm ruination!

Until next time!

Holiday hugs,

Ms Kay Marie