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Hi, again! Hope this finds you all well and enjoying your summer. Mistress Delia: More than kink....Travelling, too!It seems to be flying by for me. Summer is short here, and I have been so busy that I haven’t even had time to call many of my girlfriends. As many of you know, I consider Mistress Delia one of my dearest, personal friends and, sadly, we hadn’t chatted in forever. Well, that just had to change.

It seems Ms Delia has been busy as well. Aside from the time she spends keeping all her adoring sissies, cuckolds, cock suckers and chronic masturbators in line, our sexy Mistress Delia has been busy traveling this summer. She has already been to Atlanta once and is planning a return trip soon. And, after hearing about the wonderful food she had on her trip to Tampa, the foodie in me is seriously considering a trip of my own! But it’s her upcoming birthday cruise, to none other than Cuba, that really has me green with envy.

Of course, Ms Delia has been spending time at home, with her hubby Jack, doing her daily runs and hitting the gym. It was great spending some time with my friend. I’ve missed her. If you would like to spend some time with Mistress Delia (and who doesn’t??) check out her main blog ~ there are links to her other blogs as well! Can’t get enough of her in this world? I so understand! You can now reach her in the virtual world as well ~ 


Until next time!

Ms Kay Marie




Listen to me read this post!