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Constance (49) Hi Everyone! Hope this finds you all having a great week and getting ready for the weekend. I have a couple of crazy weeks so I was absolutely thrilled when I was able to catch up my sexy friend, Ms. Constance of

As you all know, Ms Constance was the Mistress of the Week recently, and I was excited to hear about her week and just what she has been up to lately. It had been awhile since we talked. I was happy to hear, that since she had been as busy as I have been, she took some much needed down time.

Relaxing on a Saturday

Ms Constance proceeded to tell me that she spent her Saturday night as a busy little dessert maker. She not only made mini chocolate cream pies, but after a conversation with Live Helper Ms Cassidy about a pineapple upside down cake she had bake, Ms Constance got the bright idea to make mini ones of those too!

Pineapple Upside Down Cakes

Pineapple Upside Down Cakes

A Little Trial & Error

Well she had a bit of a baking fail when trying this new recipe! Just like cocks, some of the mini cakes stayed up and stiff while few flopped and shrunk due to premature removal from the oven!

Sweet Reward

Good news though, everyone who had one of her desserts were delighted and ate them all up ~ saying they were yummy! So although there weren’t as many as she wanted, the ones that stayed up and made it to dinner were enjoyed by all!

Check back soon, I’ll keep you posted on what your favorite Mistress is up to ~ maybe I can even get those recipes to share!

Chocolate Cream Pies

Chocolate Cream Pies

Until next time!

Ms Kay Marie